At a loss for a Thanksgiving dinner, Mindy and Rebecca took in my family.We all were fortunate to celebrate Thanksgivings together two years in a row. Rebecca was always up for a fun activity, such as bicycle riding, ordering pizza, visiting art galleries, and going out for a drink. Some of these activities were a stretch for me. But in the end I always was better off for participating!
When Rebecca mentioned a Yoga retreat in the Bahamas, again, I was hesitant. It is now one of my favorite experiences and greatly improved my life! Sometimes Rebecca would phone me and we would sing our favorite lines from the sacred chanting we learned there. another special Rebecca memory was during a Thanksgiving weekend. Here Mindy and I begged her to teach us to make her delicious Mamoul cookies. Rebecca packed all the equipment and ingredients, ( In addition to all the traditional Thanksgiving foods she had to pack)
Rebecca had a gift for bringing people, old and young, out of their shell and getting them to do something interesting.